Serving Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties

Upcoming Events

Welcome to our Community Events Calendar! Here, you will find a list of upcoming events and activities hosted by us and our partners. Our calendar informs you about opportunities to connect, learn, and contribute, including educational workshops, community fairs, volunteer opportunities, and special celebrations. There's something for everyone!

About Us

Thumb Cares is the result of collaborations between local community resource providers and 211. Our goal is to ensure that all our friends and neighbors in The Thumb have access to the resources they need when they need them. To learn more about each organization that contributes to this effort, click here.

Fair Housing And Handicap Logo - Fair Housing And Ada Logo, HD PNG

This resource website provided in part through funding from the Good Housing= Good Health program. The Good Housing = Good Health Program is committed to providing meaningful access. For accommodations, modifications, translation, interpretation, or other services, please contact

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